The Beast yelled and snapped at me this morning when I called him to ask why he had taken my car when he knew I had a doctor's appointment. When he brought it back to the house for me, he was actually screaming my name because I hadn't heard him honking the horn to try getting my attention. I was in my computer room with the TV on and the door was closed. I never heard him because our house is well-insulated. But I knew he was frustrated over the AC unit at his church that he was trying to repair.
It's no excuse for his being so ugly to me and I told him that as I left the house and drove to the doctor's office. I told him that I was going over to Cee's house after the doctor's because his office was so close to her apartment. He just nodded to me as he threw his AC supplies into his car. All I could think of was that he thought tools didn't belong in his nice Prius. That is why he took my car. It's a cheap one and is also the one he uses when he takes Baron down to the park on the river. He doesn't want dog hair all over his car. But mine? Well, that's different.
The doctor told me that my stress test turned out okay but he had this feeling that there was more going on than the stress test could tell him. After I have my right carotid *roto-rooted*, as I call it, he said that six weeks later, he wants to do a heart cath with dye because he thinks I have some major blockage leading to my heart. When he said that he thought my low blood pressure was due to that, I told him I've had low blood pressure all my life. But he still wants to do it.
He said that they could go in through my groin or my arm and I told him that my bff, Carol, has had that done and she told me to insist on my arm since it was less painful. That's when his PA asked if my bff was heavy. When I said yes, he said that's why it was painful for her. I made no comment on that because I have no idea whether it was that or the skill of the doctor doing the cath on her.
He gave me several sample packs of this one pill I have to take now and he sent in the prescription for another that I will go pick up tomorrow. The PA told me to check with my pharmacist on the price of the pills he gave me because they had heard it was expensive. If true, I am to call their office and they would give me more packs. I gather there isn't a generic of them yet and that is more than likely why it's so expensive. I'll check when I pick up my pills tomorrow. If my co-pay is high, I'll call and let them know.
When I got home from Cee's, the Beast asked me immediately what the doctor had said. He was trying to be very nice to me, of course. He then told me that he was in a great deal of pain in his left leg. He thought that it was due to all the walking he had done this past week. Of course, he was trying to tell me that he snapped at me due to his being in pain plus his frustrations with working on the AC unit at his church. Men can be such babies about their aches and pains, can't they? It doesn't excuse his verbal lashing out at me when I wasn't responsible for any of it. I put some Icy Hot on the areas (his hip, thigh and his calf) after he showered and he went to bed shortly afterward.
Before he did that, he gave me a card we got in the mail about the formation of a special website for our area (which includes a wide area that also includes the area where the Princess used to live). We can post things about lost or found pets, thefts, vandalisms, things for sale, babysitters, recommendations for craftsmen or things that we are giving away for free, etc. It's a way of getting to know our neighbors in about a two mile square area. Maybe more than that. So I went to the site and registered our participation. I knew that was why he had given it to me. I read some of the things others had posted and saw where I can post things when I have something I need or want.
I also talked to Bee while I was at Cee's house. We were both wondering about a situation with one of her sons and his little girl. Bee brought us up-to-date on that and we gave her our love. I hope everything works out well for them but it will be a while before that is known.
Time to get this posted. I love you all. Be happy. ***Hugs***
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