Sunday, August 28, 2016

Countdown To The Trip......

So the Beast is leaving on Wednesday.  Today he went over a list of things he has to show me so that I can take care of things while he is gone.  Little being able to fill up the chicken feeder and the one gallon size water container.  He doesn't want me to fill up the big one because he says it weighs too much and is a pain to put back together.  Okay...I can dig that.  I would much prefer not to battle with something that weighs almost 40 lbs when filled.

I decided last night that I am going to make the chicken soup and homemade noodles.  I asked the Beast if he would like to take some with him up to Chicago and he really liked the idea.  So I made up a list for him of things to pick up when he went to the store (he had said he was going to pick up the dry dog food and some canned stuff for Baron and for Sassy).  He also picked up a prescription for me.  When I went to fill up my pills for the week, I ran out of one that I needed.  I was shocked at the price for it and am going to talk to both my doctors that have given me very pricey medications.  I can't afford to put out that kind of money every month.

I was pleased with the chicken thighs the Beast got for me.  It says on the package that they are boneless (easier for when I cut it up) plus they have 15% chicken broth that has been injected into the meat.  It's also got just enough chicken fat on them to make the soup tasty.

The Beast made sure to wash all his laundry tonight...all except for his pj bottoms.  I'll have to find out tomorrow if they are already clean or not.  He forgets that he can't run around in his underwear when he is staying at a house with women in it.  His brother has his wife AND his mother-in-law there.

I guess I will make the soup on Monday evening just in case there is something I run out of while making it.  It COULD happen since I plan on making a BIG pot of soup.  That way, there will be enough for Cee and I, too.  Maybe even the Princess....LOL.  She loves my homemade noodles.  I don't know if she remembers how to make them herself.  She used to help me when she was a kid.  

Time to get this posted.  Love you all.  Be good.  Be kind.  ***Hugs***

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